Clear Communication

(a chapter from my book, Raising Kings)

The tongue has the power of life and death, 
   and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Proverbs 18:21 NIV

Communicate and keep on communicating. Clear communication is the leader’s primary tool of trade. I scribe what the Lord says as clearly and as simply as I am able so that many may be informed. I communicate in the written form so that it may be transmitted to many people all over the world within minutes hot off the press. I communicate strategy in written form so that it can be read and re-read again and again by key collaborators. That is why I have to keep my lines of communication between key collaborators and myself clean and clear. I explain and clarify what the Lord has asked me to express. I get feedback about the accuracy of the message. This is important because I frequently write at night into the early hours of the morning. This is the time when I am most fruitful. There is silence all around; I am hearing the Lord really clearly; my mind is alert and inspired. I frequently ask key collaborators for a reality check and a second opinion. It’s just the usual precautions against human error. It’s a peer review, if you like to see it that way.

Communication Styles

We are all unique individuals. We have different communication styles. We might have different leadership styles. Miscommunication may happen. It might not be something which we plan or pre-meditate. I listen keenly for hints of this happening. When there’s a chance that there might be a misunderstanding in the air, I make extra effort to clear the air. Every single person is important to me. I keep the lines of communication clean and clear. I keep the communication flowing.

My Communication Style

For clarity and mutual understanding, I will describe my preferred style of communication. I think, I write and I do. It has taken me quite a while to learn how to just be; to be still and know that He is God. When I am immersed in His presence, I have always had a flow in His grace. In plain English, that means that I am focused in what I have in hand and what I do can be done with an effortless ease. If anyone has ever ridden in my car with me driving, they would have realized that I cannot drive and talk at the same time. It is frustrating to some people who cannot stand a friendly silence. In my down time, I like to hang out with people who enjoy a cup of coffee and don’t mind a relaxed and friendly silence.

Long ago, when the Lord had asked me to be His mouthpiece, I had asked the Lord to please allow me to speak only when He had something to say, for the purpose of clarity so that I don’t get confused between my own thoughts and God’s thoughts, and so that I can represent the Lord well. And so, I got my wish. I lost my ability to do trivial social small talk and all my interesting ways of the world. Also, as I am surrendered to Abba Father, He is able to completely commandeer my whole body so that what I am doing becomes totally effortless, second nature and intuitive. This is the flow of His grace. I just follow my instincts and I just know the right way to go. Other times, I am allowed to learn and explore in unknown and unmapped territories. Generally, just learning for pure pleasure.

I love the seasons in my life when I am fruitful in Christ, without my own human efforts getting in the way. I am just being. It’s awesome and it’s fun.

My Communication Traps

My common communication traps are while I am enjoying a silent moment, other people might think that I am shy or just ignoring them. I am usually just trying to think of something meaningful or helpful to say. I just enjoy email and text messaging – all the convenience of modern technology that I would be lost without. They also allow me to share a moment with another person in a different space. They give me the space to think and share. I don’t mind if other people talk a lot. I am a really good listener.


Be aware of our own communication styles as well as other people’s communications styles as we communicate. Make sure that what we are saying is the same as what other people are hearing. Build a bridge across the gap. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Get help and feedback. Put in place frequent reality checks.

Make sure that you are hearing what people mean to say, not just what they are saying. Frequently, people can say one thing and mean something quite different.

May the grace and peace of Abba Father the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Thank You, Abba Father, Lord Jesus Christ.
In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Word Sabre, scribe for Abba Father, LORD GOD, Lord Most High, Lord Jesus Christ.