(from my book, Raising Kings)
Nowadays, I mostly scribe for and minister to Abba Father, LORD GOD, Lord Most High, Lord Jesus Christ, as executive director and strategic director of the Church of Jesus Christ, the right hand of the Lord Jesus Christ and the left hand of the LORD GOD.
Previously, I used to work as a computer programmer, software engineer and technical consultant in the information communication technology industry in both Melbourne and Sydney in Australia. I received my strategic leadership abilities as a spiritual gift as I was working as a computer programmer, and have developed it as a craft for over 20 years of nurture and practice. My gift is in strategic leadership. I am not a day to day manager and / or a day to day pastor. I shall leave these for those who are so gifted. For many years as a strategic leader, I was trained to lead people without a position or a title. In other words, people don’t have to follow me if they don’t want to. People will only follow me based on authenticity and validity of hard facts, good ideas and what is resonating in their hearts, not because of my position nor because of my charisma. In fact, I like to think of it as a partnership of mutual leadership and collaboration, rather than as a leader – follower relationship. In mutual leadership and collaboration, there is an active freedom to dialogue between people and a mutual learning happening. It also means that I have to understand my own principles and stick by my convictions, rather than be a follower of the crowd or a pursuer of general consensus for the sake of gaining popularity. These principles and convictions are what I understand today to be biblical standards and revelations, nurtured over time in a flourishing relationship with Abba Father.
Raising Kings is scribed for the healing of communities and nations. Abba Father is raising leaders, strategic leaders and kings.
May the grace and peace of Abba Father the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Thank You, Abba Father, Lord Jesus Christ.
In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Word Sabre, scribe for Abba Father, LORD GOD, Lord Most High, Lord Jesus Christ.